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rest extension

The rest extension is designed to perform HTTP requests, the input and output of which are described by JSON objects. This extension provides global function rest_call and Jinja tags for every possible HTTP method: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and PATCH.

Extension configuration

servicesSequence (list) of ServicePre-configured remote server data
timeoutTimeoutDefault HTTP request timeout
limitsPool limitsHTTP pool limits configuration
garbage_collector_timeoutTime deltaGarbage collector timeout

Value garbage_collector_timeout sets the time interval not more often than garbage collector will be triggered. Garbage collector removes cached results older than garbage_collector_timeout. Default value: 1 hour.


Each Service object has the following format:

Field nameTypeDescription
name*StringUnique name (case-insensitive)
methodStringHTTP request method: get, post, put, delete or patch
base_urlStringBasic part of the URL
authAuthAuthentication data
headersDictionaryHTTP headers
parametersDictionaryURL parameters
timeoutTimeoutDefault HTTP request timeout
limitsPool limitsHTTP pool limits configuration
cacheTime deltaTime for which a successful requests is cached

If limits field is not specified, the value of the limits will be taken from extension configuration. If both values are missing, the default values will be used (see Pool limits).

If cache field is specified, the all results of a successful HTTP requests for this serivce will be cached. Be careful with this feature. We recommend to cache only GET requests.


Auth object has the following format:

Field nameTypeDescription
user*StringUser name
password*StringUser password

rest_call function

Arguments of function rest_call:

serviceStringUnique name of service from configuration (case-insensitive)
methodStringHTTP request method: get, post, put, delete or patch
authAuthAuthentication data
bodyDictionary or StringHTTP request body
headersDictionaryHTTP headers
parametersDictionaryURL parameters
timeoutIntegerRequest timeout in seconds
on_errorStringFunction behavior when an error occurs: continue or break_flow
cacheIntegerTime (in seconds) for which a successful request is cached

The rest_call function returns an dictionary:

Field nameTypeDescription
ok*BooleanRequest success flag
status_code*IntegerHTTP response status code
json*AnyResponse data

Arguments service and url

When calling rest_call function, there are two ways to refer to a service:

  • specify argument service
  • specify argument url in the format service://[url]"

For example, the following bot responds to the user with a link to the latest release from GitHub.

- name: api_github
- condition: true
response: |
{% set rest = rest_call(method="get", url="api_github://repos/maxbot-ai/maxbot/releases/latest") %}
{{ rest.json.html_url }}

We can make the same call by explicitly referring to the service by name:

    {% set rest = rest_call(method="get", service="api_github", url="repos/maxbot-ai/maxbot/releases/latest") %}

Or not use extension configuration at all:

rest: {}
- condition: true
response: |
{% set rest = rest_call(method="get", url="") %}
{{ rest.json.html_url }}

Argument method

HTTP request method: get, post, put, delete or patch. Default value: post if argument body is given, otherwise get

Argument auth

Authentication data. If no argument is passed, then the value is taken from the service. If the value is not set anywhere, then the request is made without authentication.

Argument body

If value of body is a string, it is passed to body of HTTP request as is.

If value of body is a dictionary:

  • if Content-Type is explicitly specified in headers by application/x-www-form-urlencoded, the body will be URL-encoded;
  • in the opposite case, the body will be JSON-encoded.

Argument headers

HTTP request headers. The dictionary passed in function argument is merged with dictionary from the service. Values from function argument have higher precedence.

Argument parameters

URL parameters. The dictionary passed in function argument is merged with dictionary from the service. Values from function argument have higher precedence.

Argument timeout

Request timeout in seconds. Value 0 is ignored. If no argument is passed, then the value is taken from the service or from extension configuration. If the value is not set anywhere, then the request is executed with a timeout of 5 seconds.

Argument on_error

This argument controls the behavior of the function in case of an error in the execution of an HTTP request:

  • continue: function will return control. The error signal is the ok field, which has the value False on the returned dictionary.
  • break_flow (default value): function will throw an exception BotError.

Argument cache

If cache argument (or the corresponding setting in Service) is given, the result of a successful HTTP request will be cached. Be careful with this feature. We recommend to cache only GET requests.

Using Jinja tags

You can use Jinja tags instead of rest_call function: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE or PATCH. These tags correspond to the available HTTP request methods.

As a result of the tag operation, a local variable rest will be created. It will be filled with the return value of function rest_call.

Let's rewrite the example where the bot replies to the user with a link to the latest release from GitHub.

- name: api_github
- condition: true
response: |
{% GET "api_github://repos/maxbot-ai/maxbot/releases/latest" %}
{{ rest.json.html_url }}

The tag is followed by a string with the value of the URL. The remaining arguments of rest_call function can be specified further in pairs: argument_name (unquoted), value.

For example, increasing the timeout to 15 seconds looks like this:

    {% GET "api_github://repos/maxbot-ai/maxbot/releases/latest" timeout 15 %}