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Bot resources are a collection of all the data and code necessary to build a particular bot. The bot development process is primarily the process of creating resources. Resources are described in YAML markup language according to a given schema and stored in files.


Container for all bot resources.

extensionsExtensionsSchemaExtensions used to customize a bot.
channelsChannelsSchemaChannels used to communicate with the user.
intentsList[IntentSchema]Intents used to recognize user goals based on user input.
entitiesList[EntitySchema]Entities used to extract pieces of information from user input.
rpcList[MethodSchema]RPC methods.
dialog*List[DialogNodeSchema]Dialog tree containing conversational logic.



Schema for intent definition.

name*StringIntent name.
examplesList[String]Intent examples.



Schema for entity definition.

Phrase entity

You define an entity (, and then one or more values for that entity (standard, vegetarian, cake). For each value, you specify a bunch of phrases with which this value can be mentioned in the user input, e.g. "cake shop", "desserts" and "bakery offerings" for the cake value etc.

- name: menu
- name: standard
- standard
- carte du jour
- cuisine
- name: vegetarian
- vegetarian
- vegan
- plants-only
- name: cake
- cake shop
- dessert menu
- bakery offerings

MaxBot recognizes pieces of information in the user input that closely match the phrases that you defined for the entity as mentions of that entity.

Regex entity

You define an entity (entities.order_number), and then one or more values for that entity (short_syntax, full_syntax). For each value, you specify a regular expression that defines the textual pattern of mentions of that value type.

- name: order_number
- name: short_syntax
- '[A-Z]{2}\\d{5}'
- name: full_syntax
- '[DEF]\\-[A-Z]{2}\\d{5}'

MaxBot looks for patterns matching your regular expression in the user input, and identifies any matches as mentions of that entity.


name*StringEntity name.
valuesList[EntityValue]Entity values.


Schema for entity value definition.

A value of phrase entity.

- name: standard
- standard
- carte du jour
- cuisine

A value of regex entity.

- name: short_syntax
- '[A-Z]{2}\\d{5}'
name*StringA name used to identify the value.
phrasesList[String]A list of phrases with which the value can be mentioned in the user input.
regexpsList[String]A list of a regular expressions that defines the textual pattern of mentions of the value.



JSON-RPC method definition.

method*StringMethod name.
paramsList[ParamSchema]Formal parameters of the method.


JSON-RPC formal parameter definition.

name*StringThe name of the parameter.
requiredBooleanWhether the parameter is required.

Dialog Tree


An umbrella for all possible tree nodes. Essentially, it is one of the following schemes:


Definition of the dialog tree node.

labelStringUnique node label. The following nodes must have a label.
  • Nodes that contains slot filling or followup nodes. This kind of nodes use labels internally to store their state.
  • Nodes that targeted by the jump_to command. Labels are used in the jump_to arguments.
condition*ExpressionDetermines whether that node is used in the conversation.
slot_fillingList[SlotSchema]List of slots for the Slot Filling Flow.
slot_handlersList[HandlerSchema]List of slot handlers for the Slot Filling Flow.
responseTemplate[NodeCommands]Defines how to reply to the user.
followupList[NodeSchema]List of followup nodes.
settingsNodeSettingsNode settings.


Control commands for node response scenarios.

end{}End the conversation and reset its state.
listen{}Wait for the user to provide new input that the response elicits.
followup{}Bypass waiting for user input and go directly to the first followup node of the current node instead.

Note: the current node must have at least one followup node for this option to be available.
jump_toJumpToGo directly to an entirely different dialog node.


Jump to a different node after response is processed.

Specify when the target node is processed by choosing one of the following options.

  • condition - the bot checks first whether the condition of the targeted node evaluates to true.
    • If the condition evaluates to true, the system processes the target node immediately.
    • If the condition does not evaluate to true, the system moves to the next sibling node of the target node to evaluate its condition, and repeats this process until it finds a dialog node with a condition that evaluates to true.
    • If the system processes all the siblings and none of the conditions evaluate to true, the bot resets its current conversation state.
  • response - the bot does not evaluate the condition of the targeted dialog node; it processes the response of the targeted dialog node immediately.
  • listen - Waits for new input from the user, and then begins to process it from the node that you jump to.
node*StringA label of the node to jump to.
transitionEnum[condition, response, listen]Specifies when the target node is processed.


Settings that change the behavior for an individual node.

after_digression_followupEnum[allow_return, never_return]For nodes that have followup children, when digression triggered after the node's response.
  • allow_return - allow return from digression and continue to process its followup nodes (default).
  • never_return - prevent the dialog from returning to the current node.



A reference to a subtree located in separate resource file.

subtree*StringThe name of the subtree to include.


A group of nodes to include in the dialog tree.

name*StringSubtree name is used to refer to a subtree from the dialog tree.
guardExpressionA condition that determines whether the nodes in the subtree should be processed.
nodes*List[DialogNodeSchema]A list of dialog nodes.

Slot Filling


Slot is used to gather a piece of information from the user input.

See Slot Filling for more information.

name*StringA name for the slot variable in which to store the value of interest from the user input.

Do not reuse a slot variable that is used elsewhere in the dialog. If the slot variable has a value already, then the slot's prompt is not displayed. It is only when the slot variable is null that the prompt for the slot is displayed.
check_for*ExpressionChecks if the user input contains the value of interest. If so, the value is stored in the slot variable which you provided in the name field.

Avoid checking for any state variable values in the check_for field. Because the value you check for is also the value that is saved, using a state variable in the condition can lead to unexpected behavior. Instead, consider using a slot condition.
valueExpressionIf provided, the result will be stored as a slot value instead of check_for.

In some cases, you might want to use the check_for expression to capture the value, but not apply the expression to what is saved. In such cases, you can use one expression in the check_for field to capture the value, and other expression in the value field to store something else.
conditionExpressionMakes the slot only be enabled under the specified condition.
promptTemplate[PromptCommands]A response that asks a piece of the information you need from the user. After displaying this prompt the bot waits for the user to respond.

Add a slot without a prompt to make a slot optional.
foundTemplate[FoundCommands]Displayed after the user provides the expected information. Useful to validate the information provided.
not_foundTemplate[NotFoundCommands]Displayed only if the information provided by the user is not understood, which means all of the following are true:
  • none of the active slots are filled successfully;
  • no slot handlers are understood;
  • nothing triggered as a digression from slot filling.


Provide responses to questions users might ask that are tangential to the purpose of the slot filling. After responding to the off-topic question, the prompt associated with the current empty slot is displayed.

See Slot Filling for more information.

condition*ExpressionTriggers slot handler based on user input provided any time during the slot filling.
responseTemplate[HandlerCommands]Responds to the user when the slot handler is triggered.


Controls what happens after found response is sent.

See Slot Filling for more information.

move_on{}Move on to the next empty slot after displaying the response (default).
prompt_again{}Clear the current slot value and prompt for the correct value.
listen_again{}Do not prompt for the slot and just wait for the user to respond.
response{}Skip the remaining slots and go directly to the node-level response.


Controls what happens after not_found response is sent.

See Slot Filling for more information.

prompt_again{}Prompt for the correct slot value (default)
listen_again{}Do not prompt for the slot and just wait for the user to respond.
response{}Skip the remaining slots and go directly to the node-level response.


Controls what happens after prompt response is sent.

See Slot Filling for more information.

listen_again{}Wait for the user to respond (default).
response{}Skip the remaining slots and go directly to the node-level response.


Controls what happens after slot handler response is sent.

See Slot Filling for more information.

move_on{}Move on to the next empty slot after displaying the response (default).
response{}Skip the remaining slots and go directly to the node-level response.