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Channel setting


The latest version of Maxbot has a built-in support of Telegram, Viber and VK messengers, but you can always add the messenger you need. Each messenger has its own differences in controls, features, etc. If you want to expand the possibilities of dialogue, for example, add sending location to Viber or sending money to VK, read about it in Coding Guide.


If a bot in Telegram messenger has already created, the steps 1 - 5 described below can be skipped. To set up bot integration with Telegram it is necessary:

  1. Open the Telegram messenger.
  2. Go @BotFacther and send /start command to the dialog.
  3. Send the /newbot command.
  4. Set the user and system name for the new bot.
  5. Save the resulting bot token.
  6. Specify parameter in the bot resources. You can find all of them in Telegram schema:
api_token: 110201543:AAHdqTcvCH1vGWJxfSeofSAs0K5PALDsaw


Connection to Viber is similar to connection to Telegram. You need to create a bot and get an API token, see instruction.

If the company has already created a bot in Viber, the steps 1 - 4 described below can be skipped. To set up bot integration with Viber you need to:

  1. Go to link and enter the control panel.
  2. Click on Create Bot Account.
  3. Fill in the data for the bot and click on Create.
  4. The account will be created. The next window will display the token that you need to use in Maxbot to integrate the bot with Viber messenger.
  5. Specify parameter in the bot resources. You can find all of them in Viber schema:
api_token: 511c56j76j44dcb2-d80de780c65cd798-cbdf5833d0a9aa3c


If the company has already had a VK community to integrate with the bot, the steps 1 - 5 described below can be skipped. Steps 6 to 11 are mandatory. To configure the integration of the bot with the VK community it is necessary:

  1. Log in to the VK social network.
  2. Go to the section Communities.
  3. In the section Communities click on the button Create community.
  4. In the opened window fill in the name and theme of the community.
  5. Click on Create community.
  6. On the community page click on the link Manage.
  7. In the list of sections of settings click on API usage-> Callback API -> Secret key.
  8. Fill in the Secret key field by yourself. This is a secret_key parameter.
  9. Select a tab Access tokens -> Show. This is a access_token parameter.
  10. Look at the URL of your community. The numbers in the string is the group_id parameter.
  11. Specify parameters in the bot resources. You can find all of them in VK schema:
secret_key: 9rLP4x4xLX4fg
access_token: 99fa2e47fe664da97f3d166c7c32c226370ef9d6e5026a97f3d166c7c32c226370026160db99
group_id: 123456789